On November 19th, 2020, I joined several hundred Talent Acquisition professionals at the first ever Gem Summit hosted by Gem Software.
Having attended dozens of virtual conferences, I was pleasantly surprised by the special touches by Gem to make this event one of a kind, including the mindful mobility studio, casual collaboration networking hour and the Gem Comedy Room which truly had me laughing out loud.
The takeaways were plentiful and the speaker list represented a diverse mix of talented people.
The action packed day came with several built in breaks which allowed for space to process, breath, check a few work emails, and come back recharged.
A good time was had by all and my exclusive 30 day swag bag was a hit with over 250 downloads to date.
As a gift for you for checking out my new site and reading this far, take a look at that special swag bag here and download while you can!
Here’s the synopsis of the session:
Diversity in 3D: Getting Intentional about Inclusive Sourcing
Seventy-eight percent of talent professionals and hiring managers say that
diversity is the top trend impacting how they hire.
As Talent Acquisition teams strive to meet organizational diversity hiring goals, many alternate between feeling overwhelmed or under-resourced, leaving teams with more questions than answers.
How do recruiters optimize their outcomes? Where can sourcers make the most impact? What role do hiring partners play in helping to achieve these goals?
Join Maisha as she explores three dimensions of diversity to consider as you
strive to design a sustainable approach to attracting a wide array of professionals.
👋🏾Ciao for now,
Talent Genie
© Maisha L. Cannon and TalentGenieLive, 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Maisha L. Cannon with appropriate and specific direction to the original content at talentgenie.live.